Monday, September 18, 14.00 KÜÇÜK HAN
Cüneyt Cebenoyan was one of the earliest programmers who joined Açık Radyo soon after it went on air. After his radio shows Men, Women and Rock'n'Roll and Octopus Garden, Cebenoyan started The Purple Steamboat, where he spoke about music and cinema and particularly about favourite films with guests from inside and outside the world of cinema. This program used the power of radio and cinema to reach a broad audience with words and music, so much so that it eventually became a book. Coined by Ömer Madra for the book’s preface, the term "Radiocinemania" perfectly describes his obsession. Using the same route as The Purple Steamboat, we will discuss what we can expect from radio and cinema to understand the world we live in. Robert Rossen’s The Hustler will be screened free of charge at the Eski Köylü Pazarı (Old Farmers Market) at 20.30 in memory of Cüneyt Cebenoyan.