Belonging tells the story of Zeki, who moves from Rotterdam, where he was born and raised, to Istanbul with his father following the death of his mother. His father, determined to keep him safe and under close watch, confines him to a gated community. However, Zeki, who possesses athletic skills, quickly finds ways to escape and connect with the children in the surrounding neighbourhood. Although he is gradually accepted into these new circles, the children from the neighbouring area start to make unexpected demands of him. Zeki is willing to go along with these to some extent, but the question arises: how far will he go? This debut film explores the limits and possibilities of integration, the challenges of coming from different worlds and creating shared new lives.
İstanbul 2024
Best Art Direction
20 September Friday, 15.00, Vural
Age Restriction: 18+
The Ayvalık International Film Festival is being organized by the Eye Society, founded in February 2022. Although a new member of the rich cultural and artistic life of Ayvalık, the Seyir Association has been founded by a team with strong experience in the field.
2024 | © Ayvalık International Film Festival